William S. Burroughs

Writing sample.. "Black Meat"

A much better Burroughs Homepage.

WSB book is titles My Education, a Book of Dreams...... It is excellent. Early memories right up to around 1992 I think. If you enjoyed Cat Inside, then get this. Daniel, sk312@city.ac.uk

If you are interested in 'Language is a virus', W. Burroughs writes about it at the end of 'The place of dead roads'. I couldn't find the exact sentence (in the spanish translation) but he writes about language being a virus, and how a doctor can 'infect' you with the language of your choice, so you can talk in any language. He says that english, french, italian... are quite easy, but if you are infected with arab (arabic?) your throat will bleed for several days until your body gets used to the new language. a890172@zipi.fi.upm.es

Steve Forker says: William S. Burroughs is _not_ an heir to the Burroughs adding machine fortune. His father sold the company early on and Bill never received any stock, benefits or financial interest in the company. He was, however photographed in front of the Burroughs building a couple of decades ago and that film was included as part of a video about him that was released on Giorno Poetry Systems. Those guys just love irony.

He's now dead. - JimDavies Here's something he wrote.

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