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car-face visual analogy

Visual Analogy Research

One of my main research themes is the exploration of problem solving through analogy with visually represented episodes in memory. That is, finding solutions to new problems by visualizing them and comparing them to visualizations of solved problems in memory.

We know that visual representations are important for problem solving, under what conditions this is true is poorly understood.

In my theory visual representations are useful when the non-visual representations contain mismatches between symbols that are similar at a visual level. For example, a wall and a pole are not the same thing, but your visualization of them, perhaps as lines, can show their similarity. For papers on the theory, see:

Another problem is that we don't know which aspects of visual episodes are important for the analogy process.

To solve this problem I am creating a language of visual primitives called Covlan. In my theory, translating a memory into this visual language will facilitate analogical problem solving in some cases.

My computer program Galatea implements core parts of the theory.

Papers on Covlan and Galatea

JimDavies ( jim@jimdavies.org )