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Davies, J., Glasgow, J. & Kuo, T. (2006). Visio-spatial case-based reasoning: A case study in prediction of protein structure. Computational Intelligence: 18, 149--164.

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BibTex Entry:

   author =      {Davies, Jim and
                  Glasgow, Janice I. and
                  Kuo, Tony},
   title =   {Visio-spatial case-based reasoning: A case study in prediction of protein structure},
   journal =     {Computational Intelligence},
   year =    {2006},
   key =     {},
   volume =      {22},
   number =      {3/4},
   pages =   {194--207},
   month =   {},
   note =    {},
   annote =      {}

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From the Visual Analogy research theme.


We show that visio-spatial representations and reasoning can be used as a similarity metric for case-based protein structure prediction. Our system retrieves pairs of alpha-helices based on contact map similarity, then transfers and adapts the structure information to an unknown helix pair. We show that similar protein contact maps predict similar 3D protein structure. The success of this method provides support for the notion that changing representations can enable similarity metrics in case-based reasoning.

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JimDavies ( jim@jimdavies.org )